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  • Juárez Celman, Miguel,

Juárez Celman, Miguel, 1844-1909 (Personas)

Forma preferida: Juárez Celman, Miguel, 1844-1909
Usado por/ver desde:
  • Celman, Miguel Juárez, 1844-1909

Apogeo y crisis del liberalismo, 1886-1890, 1978: page 10 (Miguel Gerónimo del Corazón de Jesús Juárez Celman, born Córdoba, 29 Sept. 1944)

OCLC, June 4, 2015: (access point: Juárez Celman, Miguel, Pres. Argentina, 1844-1909; Juárez Celman, Miguel; usage: Dr. D. Miguel Juarez Celman

Wikipedia, June 4, 2015: (Miguel Ángel Juárez Celman, Sept. 29, 1844-Apr. 14, 1909, president of Argentina from 12 Oct. 1886 to 6 Aug. 1890)

Datos de contacto:
Fray Luis Beltrán 125 , CABA (1406) | Rodríguez Peña 356 , CABA (1020)
TEL/FAX: (011)4896-2888 | Administración: