
Marxism, Communism and Western society : A comparative encyclopedia /

Kernig, Claus Dieter 1927-2019

Marxism, Communism and Western society : A comparative encyclopedia / Edited by Claus D. Kernig. - New York : Herder & Herder, 1972-1973 - vol 1: 436 p. + vol. 2: 459 p. + vol. 3: 388 p. + vol. 4: 448 p. + vol. 5: 484 p. + vol. 6: 470 p. + vol. 7: 478 p. + vol. 8: 413 p. 26,5 x 17,5 cm.

Editorial Consultants
Zbigniew K. Brzezinski, New York
Jean-Yves Calvez, Paris
Fritz T. Epstein, Bloomington, Ind.
Victor Eulich, New Haven, Conn.
Merle Fainsod, Cambridge, Mass.
Dietrich Geyer, Tubingen
Gregory Grossman, Berkeley, Calif.
Alex Inkeles, Cambridge, Mass.
Leon Lipson, New Haven, Conn.
Boris Meissner, Cologne
Leonard B. Schapiro, London
Georg Stokx, Cologne
Karl C. Thalheim, Berlin
Gustav A. Wetter, Rome
Harry Woolf, Baltimore, Md.

Specialist Editors
Biology: Werner Muller
Economics: Gottfried Frenzel
History: Hans Mommsen, Wolfgang Schieder
Law: Klaus Westen
Literature: Barbel Heinrich
Military Science: Curt Gasteyger
Pedagogics: Ursula Sass
Philosophy and Ideology: Nicholas Lobkowicz
Physics: Vladimir Richter
Politics and Sociology: Klaus von Beyme
Psychology: Stephanie Krenn
Religion: Stephan Virgulin

v. 1: Absolutism to civil war.
v. 2. Class, class struggle - Disproportions.
v. 3. Distribution - Foreign policy.
v. 4. Foreign trade law - Judicial system.
v. 5. Kautsky - Munich agreement.
v. 6. National accounting - Primitive society.
v. 7. Principle - Socialist patriotism.
v. 8. Socialist realism - Zionism.

V. 1. Absolutism -- Civil war. --
v. 2. Class, class struggle. -- Disproportions. --
v. 3. Distribution -- Foreign policy. --
v. 4. Foreign trade law -- Judicial system. --
v. 5. Kautsky -- Munich agreement. --
v. 6. National accounting -- Primitive society. --
v. 7. Principle -- Socialist patriotism. --
v. 8. Socialist realism -- Zionism.

Historia del marxismo
Marxismo Occidental
Marxismo Ruso Soviético

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